On September 11, 2001, the nation witnessed unparalleled destruction. Weeks, months, and years after the feeling of dread and loss loomed in the air. 12 years later, the U.S. is still recovering from the emotional and physical trauma and loss.

The paranoia of vulnerability of American citizens continues, but 9/11 should be a reminder of just how vital world peace is and how far we as a nation have to work to achieve it.

R emember the loss of life on September 11 and the strength that the nation has gained from its ashes. As we pay homage to those who have fallen during that malicious attack, let us unite for global peace and understanding.

F or those of us who witnessed that fateful atrocity first hand, it is hard to believe that it happened. Watching the pile of cement, steal and debris that stood in the place of the World Trade Center was hard to watch, but reality of the acrid thick smoke and panic was surreal. There were feelings of helplessness to some and anger for others.

N .Y.C. and the rest of the nation appeared to be under siege by terrorism. The mighty nation was suddenly besieged from within. Making the attack even more horrifying.
As a nation that relishes in abundance and claims freedom liberty and justice for all, take a moment to appreciate the true liberty we have.

A mericans continue to be resilient in the face of adversity, despite a past that is not so glamorous. America has come a long way as a nation and proves that it can unite for a common cause. But we cannot, and should not forget the past or we are destined to repeat it. (photos by: Google)

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