Shooting At Sandy Hook Elementary School


Horrific elementary school shooting leaves a nation mourning the loss of 20 children and at least 8 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

December 14 started out as so many days have before; children heading to school and parents starting another routine workday. Children anxiously awaiting the beginning of Christmas vacation; a time to be spent with family and loved ones. However, things took a turn for the worse sometime after 9 a.m. and those holiday spirits were quickly dashed to bits as a 20 year old male made the decision to arm himself and lay siege on an elementary school, forever changing the lives of so many people in Newtown, Connecticut.

Once again, terrorism rocks our nation as we watch news clips and read stories of the tragic shooting at an elementary school. As a father I’m left speechless, I cannot begin to fathom losing a child in any manner much less losing one to a gunman on a senseless shooting spree.

Although my children are older than those involved in the massacre, I feel as if my own could have been involved. I think back to their days in elementary school and wonder what would have been done to prevent this incident had it presented itself at their school. Today should have been a day full of learning and joy for those children. The adult victims should have been able to carry out their workdays and return home to their families at the days end.

However, that is not the case. There is now a hole left in the hearts of everyone in America. I can feel it as I learn more details of the event. The harsh reality sinks in and the Christmas spirit I have been feeling is now replaced with sorrow. This attack has not only affected family members of the victims, it now affects an entire nation.

This is terrorism, terrorism from within. This is what we must strive to prevent. Where was the security detail as this gunman entered the school grounds? Even with precautions being taken someone was able to easily find their way onto the premises, heavily armed and intent on spilling the blood of innocent children. Everyone at Sandy Hook Elementary School was left powerless in this attack as reports reveal that at least nine of the victims were adults. How do we protect our children from attacks like these? How do we protect ourselves? We are so focused on terrorism from outside our countries borders that we seem to forget that it can happen right in our own backyard.

Reports have indicated that the shooter is dead, and at least one other suspect is in custody for questioning. While some may feel due justice has been served, there will be no justice or peace for the families of those who lost loved ones today.

President Obama addressed the issue moments ago and stated, “our hearts are broken today,” and he is correct, the hearts of a nation have been broken as well as our spirits. We must find strength in this somber time and somehow pull ourselves together. We must work to prevent this type of tragedy in the future. Parents have a right to feel that their children are safe once they have been delivered to school. It is our right to work in a safe environment, free from violence and the actions of unstable individuals such as the gunman in this heinous crime.

We all deserve to be free of the sorrow we feel now for the families of the victims. My sincerest condolences go out to the families and friends of ALL of the victims involved in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. We are all so very sorry for your loss, may you somehow find peace.

There is only one question on everyone’s mind today, why? BY: DAVID PASILLAS PHOTOS: COURTESY OF GOOGLE IMAGES


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